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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1500

List of WG8 Documents N 1451 - N 1500

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ACT = further actions required

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INF = for information
OUT = output document

Higher Document Numbers  (N 1501 - N 1550) Lower Document Numbers  (N 1401 - N 1450)

Doc. No.
Date of  issue
Source Status,
    Additional Information 

N 1500   Document Register ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1451 - N 1500
(this page)

= SC17 N 3628
2009-01-09 BALLOT 2ndCD ISO/IEC 10373-6.2:2008 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards SC17 Secretariat
2ndCD Ballot was from 2008-12-23 until 2009-03-24.
= SC17 N 3621
2008-12-22 BALLOT ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/FPDAM7:2008(E) - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport SC17 Secretariat
FCD Ballot was from 2008-12-05 until 2009-04-06
= SC17 N 3619
2008-12-22 BALLOT – CD ISO/IEC 15693-1 (Revision) Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Vicinity cards — Part 1: Physical characterstics
SC17 Secretariat
CD Ballot was from 2008-11-27 until 2009-02-28.
N 1496
= SC17 N 3613
2008-11-24 BALLOT FCD ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Revision) Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision SC17 Secretariat ACT
FCD Ballot was from 2008-11-24 until 2009-03-24.
N 1495
= SC17 N 3615
2008-11-24 BALLOT FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision)  Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface SC17 Secretariat ACT
FCD Ballot was from 2008-11-24 until 2009-03-24.
N 1494 R2
Summary Report of the 43rd meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8, held in Graz, Austria, 2008-11-13/14 (Revison 2)
WG8 Convener
The difference to Revision 1 is just the removal of the word "Draft")
N 1493 R1
= TF2 N 608 R1
WD 14443-3/PDAM4 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbence handling (Revision 1)
Project Editor
N 1492
= SC17 N 3606
2008-11-12 Proposal for a new field of technical activity - Fraud Countermeasures and Controls
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1491
= SC17 N 3604
2008-11-12 Liaison statement from JTC1/SC17 to JTC1/SC6 regarding the recent ad hoc meeting on harmonization
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1490
= SC17 N 3595
2008-11-12 Liaison Statement from JTC1/SC17 to JTC1/SC31 Proposal for a New Work Item, Information technology – Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Air Interface for file management and security services for RFID.
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1489
= SC17 N 3562
2008-11-12 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 Work Program including published standards and target date summary for all active work items
SC17 Secretariat
N 1488
2008-11-12 First reaction from MasterCard on N 1485, i.e. Harmonization NFC/14443 - 14443 binding for NFC P2P mode
= SC17 N 3592
2008-11-12 Resolutions of the 21st plenary meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 held in London, U.K., 2008-10-08/10 SC17 Secretariat
N 1486 R2
= TF2 N 607 R2
CD ISO/IEC 10373-6 (Revision) - Evaluation results of test methods (Revision 2)
N 1485
2008-11-10 Harmonization NFC/14443 - 14443 binding for NFC P2P mode Orange Labs
= SC17 N 3585
2008-10-08 Report of the Convenor of WG8 to the 21st Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 being held in London, U.K., 2008-10-08/10 WG8 Convener
= SC17 N 3xxx
Agenda of the 43rd meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 in Graz, Austria, on 2008-11-13/14 (Revision 4)
(See N 1478 R1 for the Calling Notice of that meeting.)
WG8 Secretariat ACT
= TF2 N 596 R1
Draft Agenda of the 29th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8/TF2 in Graz, Austria, on 2008-11-10/12
(Revision 1)
TF2 Convener
N 1481 R2
Text of CD ISO/IEC 15693-1 (Revision) – Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Vicinity cards — Part 1: Physical characteristics
(Revision 2)
Marked version of the previous version (Revision 1): wg8n1481r1_WD15693-1Revision_marked.doc
Project Editor
Discussion of N 1481 R1 had been checked at the WG8 meeting in Graz and led to the version N 1481 R2, which is to be balloted as CD according to the WG8 Resolution 43.03.
N 1480 2008-09-30 CD 14443-2.3 - OTI comments to Austria ballot comments
(in N 1461)
N 1479
2008-09-25 MasterCard Input to CD 14443-3 comments resolution - Ref. WG8 N 1461
N 1478 R1
= SC17 N 3xxx
Calling Notice for the 29th meeting of WG8/TF2 on 2008-11-10/12 and of the 43rd meeting of WG8 on 2008-11-13/14, held in Graz, Austria (Revision 1)
WG8 Secretariat
N 1477
= JTC1 N 9269
2008-09-25 SC 17 Request for Extension of limit dates on ISO/IEC 14443 parts 2 and 3
SC17 Secretariat
N 1476 R1
Test result of the modulation waveform by ISO/IEC 10373-6 (Revision)
(for additional explanation of the comments to CD 10373-6)
(Revision 1)
Japan IN
N 1475 R1
Test result of the load modulation by ISO/IEC 10373-6 (Revision)
(for additional explanation of the comments to CD 10373-6)
(Revision 1)
N 1474
(reserved for:)
New text of ISO/IEC 10373-6 (Revision) - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards
Project Editor OUT
N 1473
= SC17 N 3627
2009-01-09 Disposition of comments on CD 10373-6 (Revision) - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards Project Editor OUT
N 1472
= SC17 N 3548
2008-09-15 BALLOT RESULT ISO/IEC CD 10373-6 (Revision) - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards SC17 Secretariat IN
Ballot is in N 1455 = SC17 N 3502. Ballot was from 2008-06-11 until 2008-09-11.
N 1471 R1
Text of FCD ISO/IEC 10373-6_2001/PDAM7 Identification cards Test methods Part 6: Proximity cards Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport
Project Editor OUT
N 1470
= SC17 N 3620
2008-11-19 Disposition of comments on CD ISO/IEC 10373-6_2001/PDAM7 Identification cards Test methods Part 6: Proximity cards Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport Project Editor OUT
N 1469
= SC17 N 3533
2008-09-15 BALLOT RESULT CD ISO/IEC 10373-6_2001/PDAM7 Identification cards Test methods Part 6: Proximity cards Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport SC17 Secretariat IN
Ballot is in N 1445 = SC17 N 3489. Ballot was from 2008-05-30 until 2008-08-30.
N 1468
= SC17 N 3532
2008-09-15 BALLOT RESULT ISO/IEC NWIP 10373-6_2001/PDAM7 Identification cards Test methods Part 6: Proximity cards Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1467
= SC17 N 3xxx
2008-10-03 Summary Report of the 42nd meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8, held in London, U.K., 2008-09-29/10-03
N 1466 R1
Text of FCD 14443-3 (Revision) Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision
(Revision 1)
Project Editor OUT
N 1465
= SC17 N 3612
2008-11-06 Disposition of comments on 3rdCD ISO/IEC 14443-3.3 (Revision)  Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision
Project Editor OUT
N 1464
= SC17 N 3547
2008-09-15 BALLOT RESULTISO/IEC 3rdCD 14443-3.3 (Revision) Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision SC17 Secretariat IN
Ballot is in N 1454 = SC17 N 3497. Ballot was from 2008-06-11 until 2008-09-11.
N 1463 R1
Text of FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision) Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards —  Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface
(Revision 1)
Project Editor OUT
N 1462
= SC17 N 3614

2008-11-12 Disposition of comments on 3rdCD ISO/IEC 14443-2.3 (Revision)  Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards —  Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface Project Editor
N 1461
= SC17 N 3546
2008-09-15 BALLOT RESULTISO/IEC 3rdCD 14443-2.3 (Revision) Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards   Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface SC17 Secretariat IN
Ballot is in N 1453 = SC17 N 3501. Ballot was from 2008-06-11 until 2008-09-11.
N 1460
= HN 011 R1
= SC17 N 3590
2008-09-10 Summary Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 on the harmonization of the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443, held in Berlin, Germany, 2008-09-03/04 (Revision 1)
Find more information and documents regarding the adhoc meeting from (same access data as for WG8)
adhoc meeting delegates INF
N 1459 2008-09-15 Committee Draft of ISO 10373-6 - Measurements on Reference PICC
N 1458 R4
= SC17 N 3544
Draft Agenda of the 42nd meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 in London, U.K., on 2008-09-29/10-03 (Revision 4)
(See N 1451 R1 for the Calling Notice of that meeting.)
WG8 Secretariat
N 1457
= SC17 N 3514
= SC6 N 13646

2008-08-19 Meeting Announcement/Agenda - Calling Notice and Draft Agenda for the Ad Hoc Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 on the harmonization of the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443 SC17 Secretariat INF

N 1456
= SC17 N 3513
= SC6 N 13641

2008-08-19 Liaison Statement - from JTC 1/SC 6 to JTC 1/SC 17 on SC6 N13616/SC17 N 3475 Rationale for harmonization activities on the standards ISO/IEC 18092, 21481, 22536, 23917 (NFC) and ISO/IEC 14443, 10373-6 (14443), requested by SC6 Resolution 6.1.8
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1455
= SC17 N 3502
2008-08-19 BALLOT ISO/IEC CD 10373-6 (Revision) - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards SC17 Secretariat ACT
CD Ballot was from 2008-06-11 until 2008-09-11
N 1454
= SC17 N 3497
2008-08-19 BALLOT 3rd CD ISO/IEC 14443-3.3 (Revision) Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision SC17 Secretariat ACT
3rdCD Ballot was from 2008-06-11 until 2008-09-11
N 1453
= SC17 N 3501
2008-08-19 BALLOT 3rd CD ISO/IEC 14443-2.3 (Revision)  Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface SC17 Secretariat ACT
CD Ballot was from 2008-06-11 until 2008-09-11
N 1452
= TF2 N 595
2008-08-19 Draft Agenda of the 29th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8/TF2 in London, U.K., on 2008-09-29/30 TF2 Convener INF
That meeting was postponed to the period 2008-11-10/12, to be held in Graz
N 1451 R1
= SC17 N 3543
Calling Notice for the 29th meeting of WG8/TF2 on 2008-09-29/30 and of the 42nd meeting of WG8 on 2008-10-01/03, held in London, U.K. WG8 Secretariat ACT

Lower Document Numbers  (N 1401 - N 1450) Higher Document Numbers  (N 1501 - N 1550)

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