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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1550

List of WG8 Documents N 1501 - N 1550

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Abbreviations for status information:
ACT = further actions required

IN = input document
INF = for information
OUT = output document

Higher Document Numbers  (N 1551 - N 1600) Lower Document Numbers  (N 1451 - N 1500)

Doc. No.
Date of issue
Source Status,
    Additional Information 

N 1550   Document Register ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1501 - N 1550
(this page)

N 1549
=SC17 N 3680
2009-05-27 BALLOT CD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001/PDAM4 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface Amendment 4: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat
CD Ballot was from 2009-05-27 until 2009-08-28.
N 1548
=SC17 N 3681
2009-05-27 BALLOT CD ISO/IEC 14443-1:2008/PDAM1 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 1: Physical characteristics Amendment 1: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat ACT
CD Ballot was from 2009-05-27 until 2009-08-28.
N 1547
= TF2 N 630
Draft Agenda of the adhoc WG8/TF2 on "multiple PICCs in one single operating field" in London, U.K., on 2009-07-02/03 TF2 Convener
N 1546 R2
=SC17 N 3xxx
Draft Agenda of the 45th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 in London, U.K., on 2009-06-29/07-01 (Revision 1)
(See N 1545 for the Calling Notice of that meeting)

WG8 Secretariat
N 1545
Calling Notice for the WG8 meeting and adhoc TF2 meeting to be held in the week from 29th June to 3rd July 2009 at BSI in London, U.K.
WG8 Secretariat
N 1544
= TF2 N 629
2009-05-20 Minutes of the 30th meeting of WG8/TF2 held in Singapore, on 2009-04-20/21 TF2 Convener INF
N 1543
2009-06-29 Working Draft of ISO/IEC 10373-6/PDAM8 (EMD) Identification cards — Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards — AMENDMENT 8: Test methods for electromagnetic disturbances Project Editor
Distributed for comments according to WG8 Resolution 44.10. Expected to be approved for launching CD ballot at the WG8 meeting in London.
N 1542 R1
Working Draft of ISO/IEC 14443-3/PDAM4 (EMD) Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 3: Initialization and anticollision — AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling
Project Editor
Distributed for comments according to WG8 Resolution 44.10. Expected to be approved for launching CD ballot at the WG8 meeting in London.
N 1541 R1
Working Draft of ISO/IEC 14443-2/PDAM3 (EMD) Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels
Project Editor
Distributed for comments according to WG8 Resolution 44.10. Expected to be approved for launching CD ballot at the WG8 meeting in London.
N 1540 2009-04-24 Additional information to the JRC comments in N 1536 (10373-6/FPDAM7) EU JRC
= SC17 N 3668
2009-04-24 Summary Report of the 44th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8, held in Singapore, 2009-04-22/24 WG8
N 1538 2009-04-21 Agilent comments on N 1498 (FCD Ballot 10373-6/FPDAM7) Agilent
N 1537 2009-04-21 Agilent comments on N 1499 (2ndCD Ballot 10373-6.2)
Agilent IN
N 1536
= SC17 N 3666
2009-04-16 Additional ballot comments from Liaison Organisation JRC on ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/FPDAM7:2008

See also the ballot response in N 1519.
SC17 Secretariat
N 1535
= TF2 N 619
2009-04-15 Technical Contribution on the Harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443
N 1534
= TF2 N 618
2009-04-10 t6 Timing Measurements
N 1533
= TF2 N 617
2009-04-10 The t6 Dilemma HID IN
N 1532 2009-03-31 Minimum Input Impedance Requirement for High-Impedance Probes
Additional information to Austrian comment AT3 of N 1516, Ballot Result on 2ndCD 10373-6.2 (Revision)

N 1531
= TF2 N 615
2009-04-06 Adding new features to ISO/IEC 14443
N 1530
= SC17 N 3655
2009-03-31 Chairman's note on ISO/IEC14443 and NFC Harmonisation
SC17 Chairman
N 1529
= SC17 N 3658
= SC6 N 13918
2009-03-31 Meeting Report: JTC 1/SC 6 Study Group meeting for harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443, Fukuoka, Japan, 18-19 March 2009
SC6 Secretariat
N 1528
= SC6 N 13901
2009-03-31 Germany’s contribution on JTC 1/SC 6 Study Group meeting for
harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443

N 1527
= SC6 N 13898
2009-03-31 Japan’s contribution on JTC 1/SC 6 Study Group meeting for
harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443

N 1526
= SC6 N 13895
2009-03-31 Austria’s contribution on the SC 6 Study Group meeting for
harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443

N 1525
= SC6 N 13887
2009-03-31 Ecma Liaison Statement to the SC6 Study Group meeting on
harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443, 18-19 March 2009

ECMA International
N 1524
=SC6 13878
= SC17 N 3642
2009-03-31 Liaison Statement from SC17 to SC6: SC17's position on a general approach for an efficient harmonization process regarding the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1523
= SC17 N 3631
= SC6 N 13822
2009-03-31 Meeting Announcement of JTC 1/SC 6 Study Group meeting for harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443, Fukuoka, Japan, 18-19 March 2009
SC6 Secretariat ACT
N 1522
= SC17 N 3618
= JTC1 N 9414
2009-03-31 Resolutions: Adopted at the 23rd Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 10-15 November 2008 in Nara, Japan
JTC1 Secretariat
N 1521
2009-10-14 New text of I10373-6:2001/FPDAM7 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport Project Editor OUT
N 1520
= SC17 N 3xxx
Disposition of comments on ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/FPDAM7:2008(E) - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport Project Editor OUT
N 1519
= SC17 N 3662
2009-04-08 BALLOT RESULT ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/FPDAM7:2008(E) - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport

Additional comments received from Liaison Organisation JRC, see N 1536
SC17 Secretariat
Ballot is in N 1498 = SC17 N 3621. Ballot was from 2008-12-05 until 2009-04-06
N 1518

New text of 10373-6.2 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards Project Editor OUT
N 1517
= SC17 N 3729
Disposition of comments on ISO/IEC 2nCD 10373-6.2 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards Project Editor OUT
N 1516
= SC17 N 3652
2009-03-29 BALLOT RESULT ISO/IEC 2nCD 10373-6.2 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards SC17 Secretariat
Ballot is in N 1499 = SC17 N 3628. Ballot was from 2008-12-23 until 2009-03-24
N 1515

2009-06-28 New text of ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Revision) Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision Project Editor OUT
N 1514
= SC17 N 3695
2009-03-29 Disposition of comments on FCD ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Revision) Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision Project Editor OUT
N 1513
= SC17 N 3653
2009-03-29 BALLOT RESULT FCD ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Revision) Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision

See FCD14443-3_all_comments.doc for the ordered collection of all received comments, provided by the Project Editor.
SC17 Secretariat

Ballot is in N 1495 = SC17 N 3613. Ballot was from 2008-11-24 until 2009-03-24.
N 1512

2009-09-18 FDIS text of ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision)  Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface Project Editor OUT
N 1511
= SC17 N 3771
2009-07-01 Disposition of comments on FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision)  Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface Project Editor OUT
N 1510
= SC17 N 3651
2009-03-29 BALLOT RESULT FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision)  Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface SC17 Secretariat
Ballot is in N 1495 = SC17 N 3615. Ballot was from 2008-11-24 until 2009-03-24.
N 1509

2009-06-28 Disposition of comments on ISO/IEC FDIS 15693-3 (Revision) - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Vicinity cards - Part 3: Anti-collision and transmission protocol Project Editor OUT
N 1508
= SC17 N 3649
2009-03-29 BALLOT RESULT — ISO/IEC FDIS 15693-3 (Revision) - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Vicinity cards - Part 3: Anti-collision and transmission protocol SC17 Secretariat IN
Ballot text is in N 1420. Ballot was from 2009-01-09 until 2009-03-09.
N 1507

2009-06-26 New text of 15693-1 (Revision) - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Vicinity cards - Part 1: Physical characteristics Project Editor OUT
N 1506
= SC17 N 3693
2009-06-26 Disposition of comments on ISO/IEC CD 15693-1 (Revision) - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Vicinity cards - Part 1: Physical characteristics Project Editor OUT
N 1505
= SC17 N 3644
2009-03-29 BALLOT RESULT ISO/IEC CD 15693-1 (Revision) - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Vicinity cards - Part 1: Physical characteristics
SC17 Secretariat IN
Ballot is in N 1497 = SC17 N 3619. Ballot was from 2008-11-27 until 2009-02-28.
N 1504 R1
= SC17 N 3xxx
Agenda of the 44th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 in Singapore, on 2009-04-22/24 (Revision 1)
(See N 1502 R1 for the Calling Notice of that meeting)
WG8 Secretariat ACT
N 1503
= TF2 N 611
2009-03-26 Agenda of the 30th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8/TF2 in Singapore, on 2009-04-20/21 TF2 Convener
N 1502 R1
= SC17 N 36xx
Calling Notice for the 30th meeting of WG8/TF2 on 2009-04-20/21 and of the 44th meeting of WG8 on 2009-04-22/24, held in Singapore (Revision 1)
WG8 Secretariat
N 1501
= TF2 N 609
2008-12-22 Minutes of the 29th meeting of WG8/TF2 held in Graz, Austria, on 2008-11-10/12 TF2 Convener INF

Lower Document Numbers  (N 1451 - N 1500) Higher Document Numbers  (N 1551 - N 1600)

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© 2009