Ad Hoc Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 and JTC1/SC6
on the harmonization of the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443,
held at the DIN Headquarters in Berlin on 2008-09-03/04

The purpose of this website is to provide the delegates of the adhoc meeting with information being relevant for that meeting.
News, when available, will be listed first, followed by the list of delegates and of documents, which can be retrieved by clicking on its number. Only those marked by a green background can be accessed without password. The others are password protected. All registered delegates will receive the access information (ID & password) via e-mail. Other NB representatives may ask the secretaries of SC17 or SC6 to be provided with the access information as well.

2008-09-03: Contributions HN 009 from the SC6 Representative Reinhard Meindl and HN 010 from the WG8 expert Mickey Cohen are added to the documents list.
2008-08-27: Meeting room at DIN has changed. Room no. 0101 on the ground floor instead of no. 909 on the 9th floor is booked for us.

2008-08-27: 2 contributions from the US, i.e. HN 007 and HN 008, are added to the documents list.
2008-08-26: German contribution, i.e. HN 006, is added to the documents list.
2008-08-21: Japan asked for replacement of their contribution due to editorial corrections. HN 005 is now replaced by HN 005 R1.

List of registered delegates (Version #8, Status as of 2008-09-04)

Notes during the meeting


Doc. No.
Date of  issue
    Additional Information 

HN 012 2008-09-04 Assumed General Flow of Harmonization Activities (Revised at the first Ad Hoc Meeting on 2008-09-04)
Input document
HN 011 R1
2008-09-04 Summary Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 on the harmonization of the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443, held in Berlin, Germany, 2008-09-03/04
(Revision 1)
adhoc meeting delegates
Output document
HN 010 2008-09-03 A report about ad-hoc effort as input for the joint SC6/SC17 meeting WG8 expert
Input document
HN 009 2008-09-03 SC6 Telecommunications & Information Exchange between Systems - Home of ISO/IEC standards for NFC SC6 Representative
Input document
HN 008 2008-08-26 US request to process the USNB contribution for the harmonization of SC6/SC17 standards
Input document
HN 007
= SC6 N 13710
2008-08-22 National Body of US Comments for SC6 N13616, Liaison Statement from JTC 1/SC 17 to JTC 1/SC 6 - Rationale for harmonization activities on the standards ISO/IEC 18092, 21481, 22536, 23917 (NFC) and ISO/IEC 14443, 10373-6 (14443)
U.S.A. Input document
HN 006 2008-08-26 German Contribution to the Ad Hoc Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 and JTC1/SC6 on the harmonization of the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443
Germany Input document
HN 005 R1
= SC6 N 13701
2008-08-04 National Body Contribution to the Ad Hoc Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 and JTC 1/SC 6 on the harmonization of the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443 (Revision 1)
Input document
HN 004 2008-07-22 SC6-SC17 work harmonization
Input document
HN 003
= SC17 N 3514
= SC6 N 13646

2008-07-01 Meeting Announcement/Agenda - Calling Notice and Draft Agenda for the Ad Hoc Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 on the harmonization of the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443 SC17 Secretariat To act accordingly

HN 002
= SC17 N 3513
= SC6 N 13641

2008-06-30 Liaison Statement - from JTC 1/SC 6 to JTC 1/SC 17 on SC6 N13616/SC17 N 3475 Rationale for harmonization activities on the standards ISO/IEC 18092, 21481, 22536, 23917 (NFC) and ISO/IEC 14443, 10373-6 (14443), requested by SC6 Resolution 6.1.8
SC17 Secretariat Input document
= SC17 N 3475
= SC6 N 13616
2008-05-07 Liaison Statement - from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 on a Rationale for harmonization activities on the standards ISO/IEC 18092, 21481, 22536, 23917 (NFC) and ISO/IEC 14443, 10373-6 (14443), requested by SC6 Resolution 6.1.8.
SC17 Secretariat Input document