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SD5: Action Items

Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 N 3xxx
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1265 R1


Draft Agenda of the 38th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8
in San Diego, U.S.A., on 2007-01-30/02-01
(Version #15, Status as of 2007-01-31)


Venue: Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn & Suites
2303 Shelter Island Drive
San Diego CA 92106
Telephone: +1 619-224-3411

For further organisational details and registration refer to N 1272.

For a list of the delegates registered for the WG8 & TFs meetings see WG8_Delegates_San_Diego_2007.xls (retrievable by members only!)

Additional Meeting Documents (only available at meetings and for members)

Note 1: Some of the following items may contain references to hyperlinked documents, which however are password protected, and can therefore be accessed by WG8 Members only.

Note 2: Expected questions, notes, tasks to be discussed, related to items of the agenda below, may be inserted and are or will be marked in red. They just intend to serve as reminders.

Note 3: Delegates in WG8 and TFs meet with exclusively electronical.distribution of documents. In order to participate and contribute actively delegates are highly recommended to have a notebook computer available at the meetings in order to read, process and possibly write contributions. Electronic documents to be processed at meetings are usually be retrievable from the document servers of WG8 in advance and at meetings. Therefore it is further recommended, that notebook computers are equipped with the usual wireless internet access functionality.

Opening of the meeting on 30st January 2007 at 9 a.m.
  • Organisational details from the Host
Roll call of the delegates
Membership list update

  • WG8 SD2: WG8 Members (only available at meetings)
-    Participants are requested to check SD2 on correctness.
-    Head of Delegations are additionally requested to check, whether the delegates of their countries are completely and correctly listed.
-    Participants, not yet listed in SD2 and wishing to register for WG8 membership must pass their registrations via their related Head of  Delegation or their National Body's office.
-    Any modifications wish should please be sent
via e-mail to

Adoption of the agenda
Introduction of input documents other than posted on the web
-    Participants are asked to send any file to be posted via e-mail to the Secretary's address
-    Exceptionally participants can hand over files to the Convener and/or Secretary via USB memory stick.


5.1 SC17 and its WGs
Resolution on asking WG8 members after possible problems regarding interoperability and compatibiliy issues between 14443 and "NFC standards"

5.2 SC31

5.3 SC37

5.4 Other reports

ISO/IEC 14443

6.1 Report from WG8/TF2 and related decisions/actions
  • N 1177: BALLOT - Proposal for a new work item - Multiple PICCs in a single operating field
  • N 1185: BALLOT RESULT - Proposal for a new work item - Multiple PICCs in a single operating field
  • N 1201: Minutes  of  the 24th meeting of TF2, held in Vienna, Austria, on 2006-04-03
  • N 1225 R1: Minutes  of  the 25th meeting of TF2, held in Paris, France, on 2006-09-21/22+25/27
  • N 1236: Very High Data Rate Contactless Interface, Contribution from AFNOR
  • N 1259: DRAFT TEXT on: "Informative text and proposed amendments relating to Multiple PICCs in the field"
  • N 1296: Very High baud Rate (1696 kb/s) Contactless Interface (Contribution from Japan)
-    Multiple PICCs: Progress? Any major problems, burdens?
-    Very High Data Rate: Progress?

Resolution on asking for organizing and managing a meeting for finding out technical issus regarding Multiple PICCs

6.2 Review of SD4: Maintenance Document for Proximity card standards
  • SD4: Maintenance Document for Proximity cards
-      Any modifications? New version to be issued?

6.3 Report from WG8/TF4 and related decisions/actions
  • N 1226 = TF4 N 0040: Minutes of  the 5th meeting of TF4, held in Paris, France, on 2006-09-27
  • N 1301 = TF4 N 0047: Proposed CD text for TR "Requirements for the enhancement of interoperability"
-     Decision for CD balloting of TF4's Working Draft?

Progress report on Limited use contactless smart cards (LUC)
  • N 1288 = SC17 N 3168: BALLOT – ISO/IEC FCD 15457-1 Identification cards – Thin flexible cards – Part 1: Physical characteristics

      -     Any further news available?
  • Resolution on thanking Convener, Secretary and Project Editors for having done alle the managing and work in TF4
  • Resolution on accepting the balloting procedure for the draft TR of TF4

6.5 Resolution of comments on ISO/IEC 2nd CD 14443-1 (Revision)
-     Going for FCD ?

Resolution on going for FCD, but then holding the status until 7810/AM1 will be balloted as FDIS

6.6 ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision)
  • N 1227 R2: WD ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision) as output from the TF2 and WG8 meeting in Paris
  • N 1294: WD ISO/IEC 14443-2 (Revision) as output from the TF2 meeting in San Diego
-    Approval of the actual WD for CD balloting?

Resolution on going for CD

6.7 ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Revision) 
  • N 1228: WD 14443-3 (Revision) as output from the TF2 and WG8 meeting in Paris
  • N 1295: WD 14443-3 (Revision) as output from the TF2 meeting in San Diego
  • N 1313: Comment from gemalto on WD 14443-3
-    Approval of the actual WD for CD balloting?

Resolution on going for preCD ballot

6.8 Resolution of comments on ISO/IEC CD 14443-4 (Revision)    (about 45 minutes)
-      Approval for FCD balloting?

Resolution on going for FCD ballot

6.9 Reset behaviour in ISO/IEC 14443 for multi-interface cards     (about 20 minutes)
  • N 1286: Reset behaviour, as proposed to SC17/WG4 (Contribution from DIN)
-      Work Item for WG8, i.e. WG8/TF2?

ISO/IEC 10373-6

7.1 Status of ISO/IEC 10373-6/AM1 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity Cards - Amendment 1: Protocol test methods for proximity cards

Status of ISO/IEC 10373-6/AM3 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity Cards - Amendment 3: Protocol test methods for proximity coupling devices

7.3 Status of ISO/IEC 10373-6/AM4 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - Draft Amendment 4: Additional test methods for PCD RF interface and PICC alternating field exposure

7.4 Resolution of comments on ISO/IEC 2nd FCD 10373-6/FPDAM5.2 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - Draft Amendment 5: Bit rates of fc/64, fc/32 and fc/16

7.5 Status of Defect Report and Technical Corrigendum 1 for – International Standard ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001/AM1
  • N 1215: Text of DCOR 14443-2/AM1
  • N 1273: BALLOT - DCOR 14443-2/AM1
  • N 1298: BALLOT RESULT - DCOR 14443-2/AM1
-     How to proceed with the DCOR?
-     Is the DCOR already integrated with WD 14443-2?

7.6 MRTD related standardization items (WG3 Liaison)     (about 30 minutes)
  • N 1276 = WG3/TF4 N 0263: Resolutions from the meeting of WG3/TF4R, held on 2006-10-25/27 in Bled, Slowenia
  • N 1281 = WG3/TF4 N 0276: Draft ICAO Technical Report - RF protocol and application test standard for e-passport - Part 2
  • N 1283 = WG3/TF4 N 0277: Draft ICAO Technical Report - RF protocol and application test standard for e-passport - Part 4
  • N 1287: WG3/TF4 Update (Test Methodology) from ISO SC17/WG3/TF4 at the ICAO NTWG meeting, held in Portugal in 2007
  • N 1293: Recommended modifications for clauses A.1 of parts 2 and 4 of ICAO Draft TRs on ePassport test methods
-    How will cooperation between WG8 and WG3 & TF1 & TF4 be practised due to the new situation of balloting test method standards in WG3 as CDs?

7.7 ISO/IEC 10373-6 (Revision)     (about 30 minutes)
  • N 1144: Proposed modifications for the source code contained in Annex F of  ISO/IEC 10373-6
  • N 1277: WD 10373-6 (Revision)
  • N 1279: Editors meeting 10373-6 (Revision) and ICAO TR-2, TR-4, held in Graz, Austria, on 2006-12-04/05
  • N 1280: Proposed WD 10373-6/Annex K (informative) ePassport PICC test methods
-     How to proceed with the WD 10373-6?

ISO/IEC 15693

8.1 ISO/IEC 15693-1 (Revision)

-      Any decision possible how to proceed?

8.2 ISO/IEC 15693-2 (Revision)

-      What is the current status? Already published as IS?

8.3 ISO/IEC 15693-3 (Revision)     (about 20 minutes)
  • N 1204: WD 15693-3
  • N 1207: Comments from Infineon on WD 15693-3
  • N 1231: Proposed CD text of ISO/IEC 15693-3 (Revision)
  • N 1238: Comments on N 1231, WD 15693-3 (Revision) from NXP
  • N 1242: Patent information from EM Microelectronic
  • N 1285: Proposed CD text of ISO/IEC 15693-3 (Revision)
-    Can the WD text be approved for the CD balloting process?

Resolution on going CD ballot

ISO/IEC 10373-7

9.1 Resolution of comments on ISO/IEC CD 10373-7 (Revision)      (about 20 minutes)
-      Approval for FCD balloting?

Resolution on going FCD ballot


Resolution of CD comments on TR "Guidelines on RFU (Reserved for future use)"
  • N 874 R2: Draft Technical Report on "Guidelines on RFU"
  • N 1311 = SC17 N 3193: BALLOT - CD TR "Guidelines on RFU"
  • N 13xx = SC17 N 3xxx: BALLOT RESULT - CD TR "Guidelines on RFU"  (not yet available)

Update of the WG8 Projects' details
  • SD1: WG8 Projects

Dates and venues of next meetings     (about 20 minutes)
  • SD3: Next Meetings

Any other business

Closure of meeting on 1st February 2007 at no later than 5 p.m.

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