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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1800

List of WG8 Documents N 1701 - N 1800

Link to the TF2 Documents list

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Only documents marked by a green background can be accessed without password
Abbreviations for status information:
ACT = further actions required

IN = input document
INF = for information
OUT = output document

Higher Document Numbers   (N 1801 - N 1900) Lower Document Numbers   (N 1601 - N 1700)

Doc. No.
Date of  issue
Title Source Status,
    Additional Information 

N 1800   Document Register ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1701 - N 1800
(this page)

N 1799
= SC17 N 4480

2011-09-16 Disposition of comments on 3rdFCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM4.3 — Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes  Project Editor OUT
N 1798

2011-09-16 Text of FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FDAM2 — Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes  Project Editor OUT
N 1797
2011-03-30 New Amendment numbering system on SC17/WG8 projects
N 1796

2011-03-30 Summary Report of the 49th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8, held in Ispra, Italy, 2011-03-28/30
Welcome Address from Dr. Alois J. Sieber, JRC IPSC
N 1795
= TF2 N 694
2011-03-30 Clarification for 10373-6 Test Scenario 23, entering IDLE state with random PUPI OTI IN
N 1794

2011-03-29 Text proposal to WG8 to be integrated into the new text of ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/Amd.4 
WG8 adhoc group IN
N 1793

2011-03-28 SIM and SD cards for mobile devices providing the ISO/IEC 14443 interface
Watchdata IN
N 1792
= TF2 N 693
2011-03-28 Issue of ISO/IEC 14443 PDAM for VHBR
Japan IN
N 1791 2011-03-28 Comparison PSK vs. ASK
Sony IN
N 1790
2011-03-28 ISO/IEC 10373-6:2011 - Waveform Tool Extension for VHBR ASK
N 1789
= ETSI SCP xxxx
2011-03-27 General consideration on the usage of ISO/IEC 14443 for mobile phones
Bundesdruckerei IN
N 1788

2011-03-26 Delayed comments from Austria on the VHBR amendments N 1773, N 1775, N 1777
Austria IN
N 1787
2011-03-25 Very High Bit Rates (VHBR) - Performances & Challenges
Raisonance IN
N 1786

2011-03-25 Noise requirements for the electromagnetic disturbance test
JRC, Bundesdruckerei IN
N 1785 2011-03-25 Comments on ISO/IEC 10373-6/Amendment 7 JRC IN
N 1784 R1
Contribution on Amendment 7 to ISO 10373-6 - Test methods for ePassports and comments regarding Annex G
N 1783
TF2 N 692
2011-03-23 PICCs with external power supply - Required changes in ISO/IEC 14443-2
N 1782
= TF2 N 691
2011-03-23 PICCs with external power supply - Operating field strength range and modulation amplitude - Device attenuation 
N 1781
= SC17 N 4116
2011-03-09 BALLOT RESULT — FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-1:2008/FDAM1: Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Proximity cards - Part 1: Physical characteristics
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1780
= SC17 N 4106
2011-03-09 Notification that – FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/FDAM4 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 3: Initialization and anticollision - AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling and single size UID – has been posted to the ISO server for FDAM ballot
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1779
= SC17 N 4104
2011-03-09 Notification that – FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FDAM3 — Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels parasitically generated by the PICC– has been posted to the ISO server for FDIS ballot
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1778
= SC17 N 4101
2011-03-09 Notification that - FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-4:2008/FDAM1 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - AMENDMENT 1: Exchange of additional has been posted to the ISO server for FDIS ballot
SC17 Secretariat INF
FDIS Ballot was from 2011-03-11 until 2011-05-11. Ballot Response is in N 1822. 
N 1777
= SC17 N 4161
2011-03-25 BALLOT RESULT — CD ISO/IEC 14443-4:2010/AM2 — Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 4: Transmission protocol — AMENDMENT 2: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc
SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1776
= SC17 N 4099
2011-03-09 BALLOT — CD ISO/IEC 14443-4:2010/AM2 — Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 4: Transmission protocol — AMENDMENT 2: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc
SC17 Secretariat INF
CD Ballot was from 2010-12-22 until 2011-03-23. Ballot Result is in N 1777.
N 1775
= SC17 N 4163
2011-03-25 BALLOT RESULT — CD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/AM2 — Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 3: Initialization and anticollision — AMENDMENT 2: Bits rateshigher than fc/16 and up to fc SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1774
= SC17 N 4098
2011-03-09 BALLOT — CD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/AM2 — Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 3: Initialization and anticollision — AMENDMENT 2: Bits rateshigher than fc/16 and up to fc SC17 Secretariat INF
CD Ballot was from 2010-12-22 until 2011-03-23. Ballot Result is in N 1775.
N 1773
= SC17 N 4162
2011-03-25 BALLOT RESULT  CD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/AM1 — Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — AMENDMENT 1: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1772
= SC17 N 4097
2011-03-09 BALLOT — CD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/AM1 — Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — AMENDMENT 1: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc SC17 Secretariat INF
CD Ballot was from 2010-12-22 until 2011-03-23. Ballot Result is in N 1773.
N 1771
= SC17 N 4164
2011-03-25 BALLOT RESULT — CD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/FPDAM11 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 11: Test methods for the exchange of additional parameters  SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1770
= SC17 N 4095
2011-03-09 BALLOT — CD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/FPDAM11 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6:
Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 11: Test methods for the exchange of additional parameters
SC17 Secretariat INF
CD Ballot was from 2010-12-22 until 2011-03-23. Ballot Result is in N 1771.
N 1769
= SC17 N 4146
2011-03-09 BALLOT RESULT — NP PICCs with external power supply SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1768
= SC17 N 4089
2011-03-09 BALLOT — NP PICCs with external power supply SC17 Secretariat INF
NP Ballot was from 2010-11-19 until 2011-02-20. Ballot Result is in N 1769.
N 1767
= SC17 N 4159
2011-03-25 BALLOT RESULT — 3rdFCD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/FPDAM8.3 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 8: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1766
= SC17 N 4085
2011-03-09 BALLOT — 3rdFCD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/FPDAM8.3 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 8: Additional PICC class SC17 Secretariat INF
3rdFCD Ballot was from 2010-11-17 until 2011-03-18. Ballot Result is in N 1767.
N 1765
= SC17 N 4158
2011-03-25 BALLOT RESULT — 3rdFCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM4.3 — Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes  SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1764
= SC17 N 4083
2011-03-09 BALLOT — 3rdFCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM4.3 — Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards — Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface — AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat INF
3rdFCD Ballot was from 2010-11-17 until 2011-03-18. Ballot Result is in N 1765.
N 1763
= SC17 N 4069
N 1762
= SC17 N 4054
2011-03-09 JTC1/SC6 Liaison Report of NFC activities to SC17 Takamatsu October 2010
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1761
= SC17 N 4053
N 1760 R3
= SC17 N 4xxx
Draft Agenda of the 49th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 in Ispra, Italy, on 2011-03-28/30
See N 1758 R1 for the Calling Notice of that meeting) 
(Revision 3)
WG8 Secretariat ACT
N 1759 R2
= TF2 N 690 R2
Draft Agenda of the 34th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8/TF2 in Ispra, Italy, on 2011-03-31/04-01
(Revision 2)
TF2 Convener INF
N 1758 R1
= SC17 N 4xxx
= TF2 N 689 R1
2011-02-11 Calling Notice for the WG8 and WG8/TF2 meetings to be held in Ispra, Italy, in the week from the 28th of March to the 1st of April 2011
(Revision 1)
WG8 Secretariat ACT

Revision 1 updates the host information file, which now also contains the meeting room number and hotel prices.
N 1757
= SC17 N 4063
2010-10-14 Final Resolutions of the 23rd Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 Cards and personal identification held in Takamatsu City on the 6th, 7th and 8th of October 2010  SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1756
= SC17 N 4060
2010-10-14 Report of the Convener of WG8 to the 23rd Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 being held in Takamatsu, Japan, 2010-10-06/08 WG8 Convener INF
N 1755 R1 2010-10-14 Text of NP "PICCs with external power supply"
(Revision 1)
WG8 Delegates of the Takamatsu Meeting OUT
N 1754 R1 2010-12-21
Text of CD ISO/IEC 14443-4:2010/AM2 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 4: Transmission protocol AMENDMENT 2: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc (Revision 1) Project Editor OUT
N 1753 R1 2010-12-21
Text of CD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/AM2 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 3: Initialization and anticollision AMENDMENT 2: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc (Revision 1) Project Editor OUT
N 1752 R1 2010-12-21
Text of CD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/AM1 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 1: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc (Revision 1) Project Editor OUT
N 1751
= SC17 N 4303
2010-10-19 Disposition of comments on FCD 10373-6:2011/FPDAM9 — Identification cards — Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards  — AMENDMENT 9: Test methods for electromagnetic disturbances
Project Editor OUT
N 1750 R1
= SC17 N 4304
Text of FDIS 10373-6:2011/FDAM2 — Identification cards — Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards  — AMENDMENT 2: Test methods for electromagnetic disturbances (Revision 1, Amendment number was changed from 9 to 2) SC17 Secretariat OUT
N 1749
= SC17 N 4105
2010-10-19 Disposition of comments on FCD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/FPDAM4 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 3: Initialization and anticollision AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling
Project Editor OUT
N 1748 R1
Text of FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/FDAM4 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 3: Initialization and anticollision AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling and single size UID (Revision 1) Project Editor OUT
N 1747
= SC17 N 4103

2010-10-19 Disposition of comments on FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM3 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels
Project Editor OUT
N 1746 R1
Text of FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FDAM3 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels parasitically generated by the PICC (Revision 1)
Project Editor OUT
N 1745
= TF2 N 688
2010-10-01 Minutes of the 33rd meeting of WG8/TF2 held in Takamatsu, Japan, on 2010-09-27/28
TF2 Convener OUT
N 1744 R2
Text of CD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/FPDAM11 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 11: Test methods for the exchange of additional parameters (Revision 2) Project Editor OUT
N 1743
= SC17 N 4100
2010-10-14 Disposition of comments on FCD ISO/IEC 14443-4:2008/FDAM1 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - AMENDMENT 1: Exchange of additional parameters Project Editor OUT
N 1742 R3
Text of FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-4:2008/FDAM1 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - AMENDMENT 1: Exchange of additional parameters (Revision 3) Project Editor OUT
N 1741
= SC17 N 4084
2010-10-12 Disposition of comments on FCD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/FPDAM8.2 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 8: Additional PICC classes Project Editor OUT
N 1740 R1
2010-10-12 Text of 3rdFCD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/FPDAM8.3 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 8: Additional PICC classes (Revision 1) Project Editor OUT
N 1739
= SC17 N 4082
2010-10-12 Disposition of comments on FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM4.2 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface  AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes
Project Editor OUT
N 1738 R1
2010-10-01 Text of 3rdFCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM4.3 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes
(Revision 1)
Project Editor OUT
N 1737
= SC17 N 40xx
2010-10-01 Summary Report of the 48th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8, held in Takamatsu, Japan, 2010-09-29/10-01
N 1736 R1
WD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/AM4 Identification cards Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards  —  AMENDMENT 10: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc
(Revision 1)
Project Editor IN
N 1735
2010-10-01 WD ISO/IEC 14443-4:2010/AM2 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 2: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc
Project Editor IN
N 1734
2010-10-01 WD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/AM2 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 2: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc
Project Editor IN
N 1733
2010-09-30 WD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/AM1 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 1: Bits rates higher than fc/16 and up to fc
Project Editor IN
N 1732
= SC17 N 4031
2010-09-29 Draft information on the SC17 Plenary Meeting in Korea 2011 SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1731
= SC17 N 4045
2010-09-29 BALLOT RESULT — FCD 10373-6:2010/FPDAM9 — Identification cards — Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards  — AMENDMENT 9: Test methods for electromagnetic disturbances SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1730
= SC17 N 4044
2010-09-29 BALLOT RESULT — FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM3 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1729
= SC17 N 4043
2010-09-29 BALLOT RESULT — FCD ISO/IEC 14443-4:2008/FPDAM1 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - AMENDMENT 1: Exchange of additional parameters SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1728
= SC17 N 4042
2010-09-29 BALLOT RESULT — FCD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/FPDAM4 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 3: Initialization and anticollision AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1727
= SC17 N 4038
2010-09-28 BALLOT RESULT — 2ndFCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM4.2 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1726
2010-09-23 Requirement of Defect Report on ISO/IEC 14443-4
Japan IN
N 1725
= SC17 N 4035
2010-09-22 ECMA/TC47 NFC Liaison Report to SC17 SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1724
= SC17 N 4030
2010-09-22 Draft SC17 Business Plan for the period Nov 2010 to Oct 2011  SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1723
= TF2 N 678
2010-09-20 Draft NP for "Enhanced Modulation PICC to PCD"
N 1722
= TF2 N 677
2010-09-20 Enhanced Modulation PICC to PCD (Demo Video)
N 1721
= SC17 N 4029
2010-09-20 BALLOT RESULT — 2ndFCD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/FPDAM8.2 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 8: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1720
= SC17 N 4015
2010-09-20 BALLOT RESULT — ISO/IEC FDIS 15693-1 Identification cards – Contactless integrated circuit cards – Vicinity cards – Part 1: Physical characteristics SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1719
= SC17 N 4009
2010-09-20 BALLOT RESULT — ISO/IEC FDIS 10373-6:2010 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1718
= SC17 N 4007
2010-09-20 BALLOT RESULT — NP Amd to ISO/IEC 14443 Series VERY HIGH BIT RATE from 1 to 10 Mbit/s SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1717
= SC17 N 3999
2010-09-20 Comments on Draft ETSI TR re RFID 1 (see N 1712 = SC17 N 3968) SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1716
= SC17 N 3994
2010-08-24 Notification that – ISO/IEC 14443-1:2008/FDAM 1: Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit cards - Proximity cards - Part 1: Physical characteristics - has been posted to the ISOserver for FDIS ballot – Amd 1 Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1715 R5
= SC17 N 3xxx
Agenda of the 48th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 in Takamatsu, Japan, on 2010-09-29/10-01 (Revision 1)
(See N 1702 R2 for the Calling Notice of that meeting)
WG8 Secretariat ACT

N 1714
= SC17 N 3974
2010-08-13 First draft agenda for the Twenty-third Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17, Cards and personal identification, in Takamatsu-city, Kagawa, Japan, 6th – 8th October 2010 SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1713
= SC17 N 3973
2010-08-13 JTC 1 Standing Documents Available on the SC17 Website SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1712
= SC17 N 3968
2010-08-13 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Coordinated European Standards Organizations' (ESO) response to Phase 1 of EU Mandate M436  SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1711
= SC17 N 3966
2010-08-13 Business Plan - Contribution Sfrom SC17 Working Group Conveners SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1710
= SC17 N 3961
2010-08-09 BALLOT — 2ndFCD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/FPDAM8.2 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - AMENDMENT 8: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat
FCD Ballot was from 2010-06-23 until 2010-09-15. Ballot Result is in N 1721
N 1709 R1
= SC17 N 4000
BALLOT — 2ndFCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM4.2 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 4: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat
FCD Ballot was from 2010-06-23 until 2010-09-15.
N 1708
= SC17 N 3936
2010-08-09 BALLOT — FCD 10373-6:2010/FPDAM9 — Identification cards — Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards  — AMENDMENT 9: Test methods for electromagnetic disturbances SC17 Secretariat
FCD Ballot was from 2010-05-28 until 2010-09-26.
N 1707
= SC17 N 3934
2010-08-09 BALLOT — FCD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2010/FPDAM4 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 3: Initialization and anticollision AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling SC17 Secretariat INF
FCD Ballot was from 2010-05-28 until 2010-09-26.
N 1706
= SC17 N 3932
2010-08-09 BALLOT — FCD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010/FPDAM3 Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity cards Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels SC17 Secretariat INF
FCD Ballot was from 2010-05-28 until 2010-09-26.
N 1705
= SC17 N 3930
2010-08-09 BALLOT — FCD ISO/IEC 14443-4:2008/FPDAM1 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - AMENDMENT 1: Exchange of additional parameters SC17 Secretariat INF
FCD Ballot was from 2010-05-28 until 2010-09-26.
= TF2 N 670
2010-07-28 Draft Agenda of the 33rd meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8/TF2 in Takamatsu, Japan, on 2010-09-27/28 TF2 Convener INF
= TF2 N 669
2010-07-27 WD 10373-6:2010/AMx — Identification cards — Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards  — AMENDMENT x: Exchange of additional parameters Project Editor INF
N 1702 R2
= TF2 N 665 R2
Calling Notice for the WG8/TF2 and WG8 meetings to be held in Takamatsu, Japan, in the week from the 27th September to the 1st of October 2010, combined with the meeting announcement for the SC17 plenary meeting and of the meetings of the other SC17 Working Groups
(Revision 1
additionally contains SC17 N 3975 with information for the transportation from Kansai International Airport to Takamatsu)
(Revision 2 additionally contains SC17 N 3983 with information for the transportation from Tokyo to Takamatsu via the Shinkansen train (until Okayama plus Marine liner to Takamatsu and SC17 N 3984 with information on the cultural life and further hotels in Takamatsu)
SC17 Secretariat ACT

N 1701
= TF2 N 664
2010-06-14 Minutes of the 32nd meeting of WG8/TF2 held in Berlin, Germany, on 2010-04-26/27 TF2 Convener INF

Lower Document Numbers  (N 1601 - N 1700)
Higher Document Numbers   (N 1801 - N 1900)

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