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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1600

List of WG8 Documents N 1551 - N 1600

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INF = for information
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Higher Document Numbers  (N 1601 - N 1700) Lower Document Numbers  (N 1501 - N 1550)

Doc. No.
Date of  issue
Source Status,
    Additional Information 

N 1600   Document Register ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 N 1551 - N 1600
(this page)

N 1599
= SC17 N 3758
2009-11-26 Business Plan for JTC1/SC17 Cards and Personal Identification
SC17 Secretariat INF
N 1598
= SC17 N 3751
2009-11-26 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 Work Program including published standards and target date summary for all active work items
SC17 Secretariat
N 1597
= SC17 N 3738
2009-11-26 Contribution from Japan regarding 14443/NFC Harmonization Study on usecases in overlapping application areas Japan
Committee SC6 and SC17

N 1596
= SC6 N 14117
2009-11-26 Calling notice and draft agenda for the meeting of 3rd SC 6 Study Group on the harmonization between ISO/IEC 18092/21481 and ISO/IEC 14443, 14-15 December 2009 in Berlin, Germany
SC6 Secretariat ACT
N 1595
= SC6 N 14086
2009-11-26 Revised text of ISO/IEC 21481, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol 2 (NFCIP-2)
SC6 Secretariat IN
N 1594
= SC17 N 3785
= SC6 N 14085
2009-11-26 Meeting report of the 2nd SC6 Study Group for Harmonization between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443, 17-18 September 2009 in Singapore
SC6 Secretariat
N 1593
= TF2 N 647
2009-11-26 Austrian Contribution for new work item:
Requirements for the new work item "Setting and Activation of Upper layer to ISO/IEC 14443"

N 1592
= SC17 N 3796
2009-10-20 Delayed comments on SC17 N 3681 = N 1548, CD Ballot of 14443-1/AMD1 (Classes) Austria
= SC17 N 3793 2009-12-04
Draft Agenda of the 46th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8 in Valence, France, on 2009-12-02/04 (Revision 3)
(See N 1570 R1 for the Calling Notice of that meeting)
WG8 Secretariat ACT
N 1590 2009-10-15 Gerber Files of Reference PICC's for additional antenna classes

The ZIP file in N 1590 contains Gerber files to manufacture Reference PICC boards according to ISO/IEC 10373-6 PDAM 8. Please use that boards for tests according to amendment 8 and provide feedback to WG8 community for continuous improvement of the standard.
Peter Raggam, Infineon INF
= SC17 N 3787 2009-10-15 Notification that - ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/FDAM 7:2009(E) Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards Amendment 7: Test methods for ePassport - has been posted to the ISO server for FDAM, (FDIS) ballot
SC17 Secretariat INF
= SC17 N 3744 2009-10-15 BALLOT RESULT CD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001/PDAM4 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards — Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface Amendment 4: Additional PICC classes SC17 Secretariat IN
= SC17 N 3745 2009-10-15 BALLOT RESULTCD ISO/IEC 14443-1:2008/PDAM1 Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 1: Physical characteristics Amendment 1: Additional PICC classes
(Revision 1)
SC17 Secretariat IN
= SC17 N 3740 2009-10-15 BALLOT CD ISO/IEC 10373-6:2001/PDAM8 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards - Amd 8: Additional PICC classes
SC17 Secretariat
CD Ballot was from 2009-08-27 until 2009-11-26.
= SC17 N 3730 2009-10-15 BALLOT ISO/IEC FCD 10373-6 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 6: Proximity cards SC17 Secretariat
FCD Ballot was from 2009-07-27 until 2009-11-23.
= SC17 N 3723 2009-10-15 BALLOT - CD ISO/IEC 14443-3:2009/PDAM4 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 3: Initialization and anticollision - AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling SC17 Secretariat ACT
CD Ballot was from 2009-08-27 until 2009-11-26.
= SC17 N 3722 2009-10-15 BALLOT - ISO/IEC NP 14443-3:2009 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 3: Initialization and anticollision - AMENDMENT 4: Electromagnetic disturbance handling SC17 Secretariat ACT
NP Ballot was from 2009-08-27 until 2009-11-26.
= SC17 N 3721 2009-10-15 BALLOT - CD ISO/IEC 14443-2:2009/PDAM3 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface - AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels SC17 Secretariat ACT
CD Ballot was from 2009-08-27 until 2009-11-26.
= SC17 N 3720 2009-10-15 BALLOT - ISO/IEC NP 14443-2:2009 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface - AMENDMENT 3: Limits of electromagnetic disturbance levels SC17 Secretariat ACT
NP Ballot was from 2009-08-27 until 2009-11-26.
N 1580 2009-10-14 Waveform analysis tool as introduced in ISO/IEC 10373-6 Annex E

The ZIP file in N 1580 contains Waveform Tool files according to Annex E of the FCD text of 10373-6. The package consists of the C source code, an executable program, a short guideline on how to use the program and some waveform examples to be evaluated with the tool. The tool shall be checked carefully as it may become a mandatory requirement of ISO/IEC 10373-6.
Peter Raggam, Infineon

N 1579
= SC17 N 3780
= TF2 N 644
2009-10-14 BALLOT RESULT - ISO/IEC CD 14443-4/PDAM1 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - Amd 1: Activation of higher layer protocols SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1578
= SC17 N 3708
= TF2 N 643
2009-10-14 BALLOT - ISO/IEC CD 14443-4/PDAM1 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - Amd 1: Activation of higher layer protocols SC17 Secretariat IN
CD Ballot was from 2009-07-03 until 2009-10-04.
N 1577
= SC17 N 3779
= TF2 N 642
2009-10-14 BALLOT RESULT - ISO/IEC NP 14443-4 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - Amd 1: Activation of higher layer protocols SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1576
= SC17 N 3707
= TF2 N 641
2009-10-14 BALLOT - ISO/IEC NP 14443-4 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 4: Transmission protocol - Amd 1: Activation of higher layer protocols SC17 Secretariat IN
NP Ballot was from 2009-07-03 until 2009-10-04.
N 1575
= SC17 N 3778
= TF2 N 640
2009-10-14 BALLOT RESULT - CD 14443-3/PDAM5 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision - Amd 5: Activation of higher layer protocols SC17 Secretariat IN
N 1574
= SC17 N 3706
= TF2 N 639
2009-10-14 BALLOT - CD 14443-3/PDAM5 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision - Amd 5: Activation of higher layer protocols SC17 Secretariat IN
CD Ballot was from 2009-07-03 until 2009-10-04.
N 1573
= SC17 N 3777
= TF2 N 638
2009-10-14 BALLOT RESULT - ISO/IEC NP 14443-3 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision - Amd 5: Activation of higher layer protocols SC17 Secretariat IN

N 1572
= SC17 N 3705
= TF2 N 637
2009-10-14 BALLOT - ISO/IEC NP 14443-3 - Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards - Proximity cards - Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision - Amd 5: Activation of higher layer protocols
SC17 Secretariat IN
NP Ballot was from 2009-07-03 until 2009-10-04.
= TF2 N 636 R2
Draft Agenda of the 31st meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8/TF2 in Valence, France, on 2009-11-30/12-01 (Revision 2)
TF2 Convener INF
= TF2 N 635 R1

Calling Notice for the WG8/TF2 and WG8 meetings to be held in Valence, France, in the week from 30th of November to the 4th of December 2009 (Revision 1)
WG8 Secretariat INF
N 1569
= SC17 N 3766
Report of the Convenor of WG8 to the 22nd Plenary Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17 being held in Beijing, China, 2009-09-23/25 WG8 Convener INF
= TF2 N 633 2009-07-17 Minutes of the WG8 Task Force 2 ad-hoc meeting on "Multiple PICCs in one single operating field", held in London, U.K., on 2009-07-02
Acting Convenor of adhoc TF2 meeting
= SC6 N 14036
= SC17 N 3724
2009-07-17 Calling notice and draft agenda for the meeting of 2nd SC 6 Study Group on the harmonization between NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443, 17-18 September 2009 in Singapore
Co-convenors of SC6 Study Group
= SC6 N 14035
= SC17 N 3715
2009-07-17 NB of Switzerland's contribution on harmonization between the NFC standards and ISO/IEC 14443
= SC6 N 14034
2009-07-02 Meeting Notice of SC 6 Study Group meeting for Harmonization
between NFC and ISO/IEC 14443, September 17-18, 2009 in Suntec
City, Singapore

SC6/SG Conveners ACT
= SC17 N 3696 2009-07-01 BALLOT FDIS ISO/IEC 14443-3 (Revision) Identification cards - Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards Proximity integrated circuit(s) cards Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision SC17 Secretariat ACT
FDIS Ballot was from 2009-09-18 until 2009-11-18.
= SC17 N 3671 2009-07-01 Text of Amendment of ISO/IEC 10373-1:2006 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 1: General characteristics SC17 Secretariat IN
= SC17 N 3670 2009-07-01 NP Ballot: Amendment of ISO/IEC 10373-1:2006 - Identification cards - Test methods - Part 1: General characteristics SC17 Secretariat
= SC17 N 3xxx 2009-07-01 Summary Report of the 45th meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17/WG8, held in London, U.K., 2009-06-29/07-01 WG8
N 1560 2009-06-30 EMD testing
gemalto, JRC
= TF2 N 631
2009-06-29 Consideration about the test methods for Near distance
= SC17 N 3693 2009-06-29 BALLOT ISO/IEC FCD 15693-1 (Revision) Identification cards Contactless integrated circuit cards Vicinity cards Part 1: Physical characteristics SC17 Secretariat
FCD Ballot was from 2009-06-26 until 2009-10-27.
= SC6 N 14026
= SC17 N 3727
2009-06-29 Resolutions of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Plenary Meeting, 5 June 2009, Tokyo, Japan
SC6 Secretariat INF
N 1556
= SC6 N 13990
= SC17 N 3727
2009-06-29 Terms of Reference for the SC6/WG1 Study Group on Harmonization of NFC and 14443
SC6 Secretariat
N 1555 2009-06-29 Comments from Japan on 2ndCD 10373-6 (Revision) Japan IN
N 1554
2009-06-29 Update on DIN comment on new Annex E in 10373-6 Germany IN

N 1553
2009-06-29 Draft New Work Item Proposal on "Setting and Activation of Upper layer to ISO/IEC 14443" France IN

N 1552

2009-06-29 AFNOR comment on 10373-6 (Revision) France IN

N 1551 R1

Working Draft of ISO/IEC 10373-6/PDAM8 (Classes) Identification cards — Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards — AMENDMENT 8: Additional PICC classes Project Editor OUT
Distributed for comments according to WG8 Resolution 44.14. Expected to be approved for launching CD ballot at the WG8 meeting in London.

Lower Document Numbers  (N 1501 - N 1550) Higher Document Numbers  (N 1601 - N 1700)

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